The main objective of INFO is to promote regional economic growth and competitiveness in the Region of Murcia by promoting the economy, increasing investment, removing obstacles and establishingan environment that favours competitiveness. With the aim of guaranteeing enhanced development and economic growth amongst regional SMEs, INFO focuses on Research & Innovation, Internationalisation, Investment, Entrepreneurship and Access to finance.
Technical Organization
Marine Technology Centre is an association of companies established in 2003 with the aim to improve the competitiveness of the overall marine and maritime sector through the development of innovative solutions based on the latest technologies in engineering, hydroacoustic and those supporting the digital transformation.
Special collaborator
Established in 1989, SAES, specialists in underwater acoustics, develops equipment and systems for undersea security and defence. SAES offers customized high-tech solutions to several markets and provide engineering services, technical support, maintenance and educational programs. Their engineers are highly skilled and experienced in several subjects such as electronics, acoustics, system engineering, software and hardware development.
Permanent Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area is an Intergovernmental Agreement aimed at achieving and maintaining a favourable conservation status for cetaceans though the implementation of coordinated measures.
Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas was established in Tunisia in 1985 by decision of the Barcelona Convention and it is responsible for assisting the Mediterranean countries to implement the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean.
The Department DICA (Civil and Environmental Engineering Department) of Politecnico di Milano developes activities in multidisciplinary fields, concerning the sustainable use and management of environmental resources, and the prevention and control of environmental pollution.
The QUIETSEAS Project is funded by DG Environment of the European Commission within the call “DG ENV/MSFD 2020”. This call funds MSFD development, in particular the preparation of the next 6-year cycle of implementation.
The QUIETSEAS Project aims to enhance cooperation among Member States (MS) in the Mediterranean Sea Region (MED) to implement the third Cycle of the Marine Directive and, in particular to support Competent Authorities and strength cooperation and collaboration in the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea regions.